In 1996, The Commercial Club of Chicago—a membership organization of leading area business and civic leaders—undertook the Metropolis Project, an effort to ensure the preeminence of the Chicago Metropolitan Region in the 21st century.
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Metropolis Strategies proudly provided staff support for this effort, involving
hundreds of projects and thousands of people, demonstrated that we care about our future and take inspiration from our past.
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Focus On
Northeastern Illinois Transit Task Force Issues Final Reports
In 2013, Governor Pat Quinn established a task force to review the operations of the public transit system in Northeastern Illinois. Co-Chaired by Illinois Department of Transportation, Ann Schneider and Metropolis Strategies CEO, George, an expert panel spent the fall and winter obtaining expert testimony and reviewing the operations of the agencies. On March 31, 2014 the task force issued their final report to the Governor and the Illinois General Assembly.
Click here to read the final report to the Governor from the Task Force.
Click here to view all of the information developed by and presented to the task force (opens separate link to Task Force website).
Also on March 31st, Secretary Schneider, Georgeand Task Force member Patrick visited Chicago Tonight and were interviewed on the work of the task force. Click below to view video of that interview (about 14 minutes).
The $2 Billion Question: Can Illinois Improve Public Safety and Spend Less on Incarceration?
On March 31st, Metropolis Strategies is hosting experts from across Illinois to discuss sustainable, proven solutions to reduce incarceration rates and improve public safety.
The symposium – The $2 Billion Question: Can Illinois Improve Public Safety and Spend Less On Incarceration? – is intended to encourage open and informed debate about fiscal and policy decisions facing
the state and effective policies and practices for prevention and diversion, incarceration, and re-entry strategies.
A draft of the meeting agenda (subject to revision) can be found here.
Media contacts, please click here.
Metropolis Strategies to conclude its operations
CHICAGO—Metropolis Strategies, which was founded 15 years ago by The Commercial Club of Chicago to enhance the economic vibrancy of the Chicago region, will conclude its operations on May 31. This is in accord with the Club's intent that Metropolis would have a limited life rather than be a permanent organization. In accordance with its long standing practice of transferring successful programs to other organizations, Metropolis's work will continue.
“Metropolis has achieved specific results because of its ability to bring diverse voices to the table,” said George, who has served as President and CEO since the organization’s founding. “With the assistance of many partners, we have succeeded in meeting goals set by the Commercial Club and our board of civic leaders. We close with enthusiasm for the future of the Chicago region.”
To continue to read the full press release, click here.
Media contacts, please click here.
Metropolis CEO, George Speaks to Rockford Chamber of Commerce
In August 2013, George was invited by the Rockford Chamber of Commerce to talk about the history of Metropolis Strategies and lessons that business and civic leaders in Rockford might take to strengthen their region. The Chamber graciously taped the talk and provided the video, which you can view by clicking here or on the image below.
The $2 Billion Question:
Can Illinois Improve Public Safety and Spend Less on Incarceration?
March 31, 2014 from 8:00 am – 3:00 pm at the Union League Club of Chicago
Join experts from across the state for a discussion on fiscally sustainable and smarter strategies to reduce incarceration rates and improve public safety.
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REPORT Time is Money: The Economic Benefits of Transit Investment
Using state-of-the-art tools, Metropolis Strategies studied the Regional Transportation Agency (RTA)'s "Moving Beyond Congestion" Strategic Plan to access the economic value that derives to the Chicago region
from making those proposed investments.
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